Brushing off the Dust
By Jon Stover on January 29, 2021 in Quick Update
Greetings, Praying friend and family,
With baby Simeon taking much of our time, our updates on Facebook have taken priority. I fear that I have neglected my posts here; partly because we had some issues when the domain renewed, and partly because, as I said, our Facebook page took precedent.
To catch up those who do not use Facebook (believe me, I envy you), our son was born August 31, 2020, happy and healthy (mostly). We have been able to keep most of our meetings through the fall, and God has brought us to now have 17 supporting churches and just under 35%. We were not able to go on our survey trip in December due to coronavirus, but we are praising the Lord for time we had to spend with family.
We are in Texas at the moment, visiting some churches down here. We were not able to get anything scheduled for January, and since our next meeting in February is in Texas, we decided to head south to drop in on a couple of churches down here. Already God has blessed our time with sweet reunions; Lena seems to know people everywhere, and we met a Russian lady who got to talk with her. God has also granted us some additional meetings, and we praise the Lord and thank the churches for last minute scheduling.
Our car is having some issues that we will need to get looked at. Pray that it would be an easy/cheap fix. I can do most small things myself, but I don’t know enough about cars to try anything major, and it sounds like this isn’t something I can do myself.
Simeon is doing well, he is a happy and joyful baby, but he is having some minor health issues. Pray that they would resolve themselves; we are praising the Lord that the insurance has already approved treatment should treatment be needed.
I am working on updating the website, but I am not web-savvy. Mostly it is just updating information and uploading new things, but when something goes wrong, I’m not very knowledgeable to fix it. All that to say we are trying to get our updated presentation on the website, and I’m hitting a few snags. Don’t be surprised if you don’t see Simeon in it for a while.
As always, thank you for your prayers! We are hoping to be at 25 supporting churches and 50% by winter’s end. It will take a work of God, but we know nothing is impossible with Him!
Prayerfully yours,
Jon, Olena, and Simeon Stover