Month: December 2019

So it begins

By Jon Stover on December 30, 2019 in Quick Update

Greetings praying friends and family,

The first big trip is finally here! We’re headed out to Arizona for the month of January! This will be the first cross-country trip with the trailer. I’m still nervous towing it, but each trip helps me feel, if not more comfortable, at least more accustomed.
On top of that, it seems like every time we get ready to go on a trip, the check engine light decides it needs to turn on. However, after a quick check and some free advice (thank you, Autozone), we were able to get it taken care of (for now).
We made a few more contacts in December, but we would like to fill up the rest of our calendar. We don’t have a meeting Feb. 2nd and would like to fill that as soon as possible. We are also trying to get meetings for the Wednesdays that we are out in Arizona. We know that it is in God’s hands; without Him we can do nothing.
Some prayer requests:
For God to provide us the meetings that He desires
For safety as we go, and that the engine light would stay off!
For steadiness and peace of mind while I tow the trailer
For good traveling time
For God to raise our support quickly

We wish you all a happy New Year! May God bless you and yours with great success, and may all be done to glorify Christ!

Praying with all prayer

By Jon Stover on December 12, 2019 in Quick Update

Greetings, praying friends and family!

As the December season progresses, we are grateful for the prayers of God’s people on our behalf. We are happy to report that, after a quick spark plug change and a not-so-quick air sensor change, our car’s engine light is now off! Praise the Lord that the repairs were did not need us to hire a mechanic to fix them! Thank you for all who prayed for us! God truly answers prayers.
With that said (and thank you again for your prayers), we want to ask that you keep in mind your own pastors in prayer. There are a number of pastors that I have contacted that are having surgeries, or are in and out of the hospital with sickness (or their wife is). I try to make a note of which pastors are in need of prayer and to pray for them, but let us remember to pray for the man of God that watches over our own church. I am so tremendously thankful for our pastor, and I know he prays for us regularly. Let us not forget to return the favor and pray for our pastors.
Our year is filling up nicely. Our Sundays in January- April are mostly filled, our May is half-filled (need a few more Texas churches to give us meetings), and our September and October are mostly filled. Our summer is still fairly sparse (only two meetings for the whole summer), and our November and December could use some filling (November is in California). Pray that we would fill in those meetings, as well as the one or two still lacking in the other months. Also, pray that we would get some Wednesday night meetings scheduled.

That’s all for now. Thank you for praying!