Getting ready for summer
By Jon Stover on May 4, 2022 in Uncategorized

Greetings praying friends and family,
After a short reprieve this past week, we are ready for our May meetings. Our meetings for this month are primarily local, so we have more time to prepare for our trip this summer. However, we have also had two of our meetings this month rescheduled on short notice. Pray for us as we attempt to replace those meetings and reschedule the cancelled ones.
We are right around 90% of our needed support pledged and 80% coming in. There are several churches that have expressed the intent of supporting us and several more that expressed interest. The meetings this past month have been good. We are on track to reach our goal of full support by summer, but we would still appreciate your prayers that God would bring that to pass. Also, thank you all for your prayers for us thus far; we know that we have come this far because of your prayers.
The most exciting thing at the moment is our survey trip is finally going to happen this summer, pending any intervention from God. While details are not solidified yet, we are looking at June 29-August 3. During this time, we will also be able to attend the European Missions Retreat and meet with many other fellow missionaries! There are a few things we would ask in regards to our trip: pray that we would be able to find a place to rent for the time that will be within our budget, that we would have safety in our travels, that we would be a blessing to the Petersons and church there, and that we can begin to find a more permanent home while there so that we will have a place to live when we move there later this year.
Speaking of our move to Germany, we are about 50% of our moving fund. Pray with us that we would be able to raise the remainder of that amount quickly.
Everyone in the family is doing well. Simeon is as energetic as ever, and he has started to say more things. He is still inconsistent using his words without prompting, but he is starting to put phrases together. It is amazing to see how much he is growing, and encouraging to see how much he loves his Bible book and sing Bible songs.