Happy Easter!
By Jon Stover on April 2, 2021 in Uncategorized
Greetings, praying friends and family,
Happy Easter to you all! We rejoice over another anniversary of the resurrection of our Savior, and we look forward to another year to spread the gospel to the lost. We currently have 22 churches supporting us, and are just under 40%. While it is not where we were praying we would be at the start of spring, but it still means that we have seen 10 churches take us on for support and gained around 20% (there was an adjustment to our projected budget). God made all that happen in half a year! We praise the Lord for what He has done, and we know He will continue to do great things for us! We are praying that we would have 50 supporting churches and be at 100% by the end of the year. Please pray with us to that end!Our meetings in Maryland have been good, and we are praising God for our safety and time to recover slightly during our two weeks. God has been good, even though our travels have been more local. We enjoyed our time with both churches, and had the opportunity to preach in chapel as well. We also had a meeting at Gethsemane Baptist Church in Radford, VA this last Wednesday. It was a good time, and we were blessed for being there!We will be traveling a bit more this month, as we will be in Pennsylvania (Hannahstown Baptist in Cabot) and Ohio (Victory Baptist in Lodi) the next two weeks. God has give us a relatively full schedule for April, although we would like to fill some of our Wednesdays. If we can’t, we will be using the time to visit churches in the areas around us. Pray that all of these meetings go well.That’s all for now, so here’s a picture of Simeon, now seven months old. He is doing well; thank you for your prayers!