Baby Watch is Go!
By Jon Stover on August 21, 2020 in Quick Update

Greetings praying friends and family,
Baby watch is official here! In only a couple more days, our son will be born! We are excited and nervous. Pray that God would give us calmness during this time, because there is a lot on our minds regarding the birth. So far, all reports seem positive, and there doesn’t seem to be any concern from the doctors. We praise the Lord for that! Thank you all for your prayers; I firmly believe that God has kept mother and baby safe because of them.
July saw things slow down a little, as we were only able to schedule two meetings: Lighthouse Baptist Church in Dover, PA and Berean Baptist Church in Newville, PA. We had a great time of fellowship with each of them, but particularly with Pastor Bob, as he was the pastor of Simferopol Baptist Church, where my wife went to church in Crimea. It was good to get to know them, and Lena had a great time catching up on everything. We are so thankful for their continued service to the Lord in Newville.
Our schedule for August was intentionally left empty because of the birth. There were a lot of worries early on about what complications there could be, but, as I said, praise God none of them have been realized so far. While we don’t have any meetings for this month, it does give me lots of time to contact churches old and new to plan for 2021. Pray that God would give us a full calendar next year.
September and October picks things up again, with meetings in PA, MD, and NY. We have had a few cancellations, but so far our schedule looks like it will stay intact. There are still concerns about the coronavirus, and traveling with a newborn will make life quite exciting as well. Pray that God would keep the doors open so that we can keep out schedule and stay safe and healthy as well.
We are still planning our survey trip for December, but with traveling restrictions, we aren’t sure if that is going to work out. First, Germany is not currently open to travelers from the US, and second, we need to obtain a passport for our son. These are the difficulties, but we serve a mighty God, and we trust that He will open the doors for us, as he has always done. Pray with us that God would allow us to travel in December if it is His will.
We have had another church vote to take us on for support! We are excited to represent Open Door Bible Baptist Church of Astoria, NY! We are getting very close to the 25% support milestone. We have been praying that we would reach 25% and 12 supporting churches by the end of summer, and ask that you would pray with us. We trust God to answer in His time, but it is something that we would like to see God do!
The next update should include some baby pictures, so stay posted!