Hats and coats again…
By Jon Stover on February 19, 2020 in Quick Update
Greetings, praying friends and family,
Thank you so much for your prayers! We made it back safely to Maryland Friday, Feb 8th, after a long, sometimes relaxing, sometimes perilous, journey from Arizona. We are local-ish for the next month or so, and we are trying to get back into a semblance of schedule. We are happy to be back among friends, but I miss the more temperate climate of the south. It’s back to heavy coats, hats and gloves, and boots for us, but God was gracious enough to allow us to miss some of winter at least!
God has been greatly blessing us, though. We received news that another church has taken us on for support! We thank the Lord for allowing First Baptist Church in Deale, MD to partner with us! We had several friends in that church before we presented, and it is encouraging to know that we will have the opportunity to lay up treasures to their account.
Thanks to a very generous anonymous love offering, we are also blessed that God is allowing us to pay off our vehicle. Neither Lena nor I like debt, so it will be a great burden off of our shoulders to pay of the loan on our car. We praise the Lord for providing for this need! He is greater than all we could hope or imagine, and He will always meet our needs.
We have already had two good meetings this month; the first at Bayview Baptist Church in Deleware/Maryland, and the second at Greater York Baptist Church in Pennsylvania. It was a blessing to hear and see what God is doing in different parts of our country. God is at work, and in the fullness of time, we shall reap, if we faint not!
Our next three Sundays take us to New York, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee. We are still trying to fill some of our Wednesday nights; pray for us, that God would direct our steps to the churches that He has planned for us. We also had a cancellation for March 22nd; pray that God grant us a meeting for that Sunday. He has everything planned, we simply must be faithful until He reveals it to us!